Monday, February 11, 2019

Week of  Feb.  4th - 8th

I would like to thank all of you who sent in food for 100th day and supplies for our Polar Stem Project.  Both were a huge success.  Last week was a really busy week.

LA - We looked at the elements of a Fairy Tale - Fiction, Magic, Prince/Princess/Queen/King, Problem to be solved, Good vs Evil, A lesson to be learned, Number 3, Talking Animals and Happily Ever After.  We read different versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and compared and contrasted these.  After looking at the elements, the class voted that it was indeed a Fairy Tale.  

Writing - We are working on informational writing.  The students researched and wrote about Abraham Lincoln.  Please come see their papers in the hallway.

Math - We are working on subtraction using manipulatives, drawing out models and writing a number sentence.

Science - We have been learning about the difference between living and nonliving.  Living things need food (nourishment), water, can move on their own, grow, and make more of their own kind.  We have also started learning about rocks.

Social Studies - We are learning about Abraham Lincoln and The Lincoln Memorial.