Friday, September 21, 2018

Weekly Update 9/21

Our highlight of the week was the trip to the Art Barn.  Be sure to check out all the pictures.  What a great day we all had!

Reading - We are learning how the illustrator helps to connect the pictures to the author's words.  We are also working on multiple meaning words.  Listed below are some examples.
Writing - We are writing simple sentences using our sight words and blending letter sounds to help us write our words.

Math - We are continuing on counting to 100 and have been working on 2D shapes - circle, triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon and the rhombus (this used to be called a diamond).

Social Studies - We have been learning about Maps and Globes - that they show a view from above, identifying land and water and that maps are 2D and globes are 3D.

Science - We have been exploring matter.  Matter is something that takes up space.  We have been sorting matter by different properties such as color, shape, size, texture, and what it is made of.

Upcoming Events
Sept. 24th - 28th -  Fall Break
Oct. 11th   -  Early Release Day
Oct. 15th - Oct. 19th  Conference Week - Early Release each day

I hope you all have a wonderful Fall Break!  Please try to work on letters and sounds, sight words, counting and shapes while you are enjoying time with your children.  I look forward to meeting with all of you during conference week and sharing all the great things your students are learning.